Closed-Loop: Sustainable together.

What began in 2018 as a classic customer-supplier relationship has now been optimized by apt and Alu-met through a closed-loop agreement.

Together with our billet supplier Alu-met and the advice of Metals CS®, we have optimized our value chain—the result: a closed loop for our process scrap.

Alu-met processes the scrap that apt cannot recycle in its in-house remelting plant due to special alloys and supplies press-ready aluminum billets.

“Thanks to this agreement, apt and Alu-met operate logistically efficiently and sustainably simultaneously – a win-win solution for both companies!” Says Dr. Gerhard Anger, Managing Director of Alu-met. Volker Bartmann from Metals CS® is also pleased about the closed-loop agreement.

We are delighted to have taken another big step towards climate neutrality!

Many thanks to our partners. k

More about our sustainability strategy