Společensky odpovědný hliník

Pro férovou výrobu

Společensky odpovědný hliník

Pro férovou výrobu

Společensky odpovědný hliník

Pro férovou výrobu

Our value-oriented corporate culture

Against exploitation, for optimal working conditions

As an international company, we have a responsibility for socially responsible production. The focus is not only on the products, but also on the people – along the entire supply chain and all processes in our plants.

„Where human dignity is affected, economic arguments do not count”

– Johannes Rau

Our goals until 2030

Zero tolerance for slavery and exploitation

apt strives to meet the highest ethical, social and environmental standards. We have set clear standards in our own Code of Conduct and that of our suppliers to protect against any form of forced, migrant or child labor. apt considers forced labor to be a sub-category of human trafficking and has a zero-tolerance policy against it. These basic principles form the foundation of apt’s values and are consistently implemented within our Group and throughout the entire supply chain.

The Supplier Code of Conduct introduced Group-wide in 2022 prohibits forced and child labor. We therefore subject our suppliers to a critical review in this regard with the help of the EcoVadis assessment platform. In addition to the annual sustainability report, we have published a comprehensive declaration against modern slavery.

Value-oriented supply chains for aluminum

We check our aluminum suppliers according to the international OECD guidelines and treat them loyally, respectfully and in a spirit of partnership. In this way, we fulfill our duty of care to promote responsible supply chains for minerals from conflict and high-risk areas. We did not identify any risks in 2022. To ensure this continues in the future, we subject our suppliers to regular audits.

Focus on people:

diverse, healthy and fairly remunerated

Our contribution to diversity

Our value-oriented corporate culture creates a respectful relationship with colleagues, customers and suppliers. We are committed to the Diversity Charter: we make no distinction between age, social or ethnic origin, gender, sexuality or religion. In addition, we integrate qualification processes for employees at all locations, as we see education and lifelong learning as the key to equal opportunities for all. This includes apprenticeships, personal development plans, a special junior staff development program, language courses and internal training.

Employee health and safety

The topic of employee health and safety is increasingly becoming our focus. To this end, we are taking measures in the areas of accident prevention, PPE policy and improving ergonomics in the workplace. In addition, training courses on these topics are held once a year as a mandatory event for employees.


All apt plants have an external specialist for occupational safety. She supports apt in safety-related issues. She prepares an annual report for the management. An occupational health and safety audit in accordance with ISO 45001 is carried out as part of ASI certification in accordance with the Aluminum Stewardship Performance Standard.

Medical care

Maintaining the long-term health of our employees is one of our most important goals. To this end, we work together with various medical experts to offer check-ups and other preventive measures. This includes both physical and mental health.

Promoting the health of employees

In addition to prevention, we also focus on measures that actively contribute to improving employee health. Here, too, we work together with external specialists from various disciplines to offer an ideal mix of different programs.

Social commitment

We support regional organizations and projects such as the Lions Club and the soccer club 1. FC in Monheim, the campaign „Ein Kinderlachen schenken“ of the Kinderhilfe Eckental, the children’s cancer charity KiKa in Amstelveen in the Netherlands and the hospice St.Georg in Cheb in the Czech Republic.

apt and Lions Club Monheim go mobile

apt and Lions Club Monheim go mobile

Together with the Lions Club Monheim, we have initiated a great project: During the summer months, volunteers from apt and members of the Lions Club get on the saddle and offer tours for the residents of a retirement home.

Mental health at apt

Mental health at apt

In cooperation with the Fürstenberg Institute, apt is highly committed to the mental health of its employees! Numerous offers for support in everyday working life as well as in private matters are available to employees free of charge. With the help of the Fürstenberg Institute’s counseling experts, help can be obtained quickly and completely anonymously.

Charter of Diversity

Charter of Diversity

By signing the Charter of Diversity, we have committed ourselves to an inclusive corporate culture. This demonstrates our commitment to actively promoting diversity and equal opportunities and fulfilling our social responsibility.

We support local educational establishments

We support local educational establishments

We have contributed to the founding of the new Bregenzer Straße elementary school in Baumberg (Monheim) in the form of educational toys to support the children.
Supporting local educational institutions and projects is important to us, as we are also investing in the solid education of potential colleagues of tomorrow!

Thinking about apt at the university lunch

Thinking about apt at the university lunch

We can acquire holistic expertise through impulses from technical university research. This is why we work closely with research universities in the industrial sector, such as RWTH Aachen University. For example, we take part in the first-year student bags for our potential new students and contribute practical lunch boxes with an aluminum look.

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

apt is committed to high ethical, social and ecological standards. Our Code of Conduct strictly prohibits forced and child labor. We have a zero-tolerance policy against human trafficking that appliesto our Group and our supply chain.

Giving children a smile

Giving children a smile

In Eckental (Bavaria) we are sponsors of the campaign „Ein Kinderlachen schenken“ („Giving children a smile“) campaign by Kinderhilfe Eckental, which comforts sick children with teddy bears or organizes clown performances.

Social Projects International

Social Projects International

We are socially active at our locations outside Germany:

  • KiKa children’s cancer charity in Amstelveen (NL)
  • St. George Hospice (CZ)
  • Social car project (CZ)

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

apt is committed to high ethical, social and ecological standards. Our Code of Conduct strictly prohibits forced and child labor. We have a zero-tolerance policy against human trafficking that appliesto our Group and our supply chain.

Giving children a smile

Giving children a smile

In Eckental (Bavaria) we are sponsors of the campaign „Ein Kinderlachen schenken“ („Giving children a smile“) campaign by Kinderhilfe Eckental, which comforts sick children with teddy bears or organizes clown performances.

Social Projects International

Social Projects International

We are socially active at our locations outside Germany:

  • KiKa children’s cancer charity in Amstelveen (NL)
  • St. George Hospice (CZ)
  • Social car project (CZ)

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Manon Gahmann
Manon Gahmann