apt Group publishes its first sustainability report
The apt Group, headquartered in Monheim am Rhein, has prepared and published its first sustainability report for the year 2021. In this report, the aluminium-processing group addresses transparently its material topics from the areas of economy, ecology and society and makes it available on its website. In future, the report will be published annually in order to disclose its progress in the area of sustainability.
Michael Zint, CEO of the apt Group: “The apt Group wants to strive for industry leadership in the area of sustainability, and that’s why we are aligning our actions with the requirements of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. The core of the Agenda is the catalogue of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. From now on, everyone can find out about our progress through facts and figures in our first sustainability report.”
The sustainability report is published voluntarily by apt. The framework of the Global Reporting Initiative is applied. In this way, figures are more comparable and material topics from the areas of economy, ecology and social topics are covered. Within the company itself, a team with different backgrounds has been formed to oversee and develop sustainability in the group from different angles.
“We keep getting requests from customers who want to know about certain sustainability aspects of our group and our products,” says Felix Watermeyer, Marketing Manager and Sustainability Officer. “Now this information is available to everyone in the report on our website.”
The apt Group’s journey regarding sustainability began early in its history. Almost 40 years ago, it began operating its own remelting facility to recycle aluminium process scrap internally. Last year, the group celebrated its 50th anniversary, which underscores its future orientation. In addition, the group calculated its CO2 footprint for its aluminium profiles for the first time last year and had it certified by the TÜV.
In the future, the group will continue to focus on its sustainable orientation. “Every project we initiate is checked for sustainability and, if it has the appropriate goals, approved,” says Michael Zint. “In addition, we have also had the CO₂ footprint (from Scope 1 to Scope 3) of our extrusion sites certified for our transparency. We are well below the current industry average in this respect. As a big next milestone, we want to reduce the emissions of our raw material, which accounts for about 91% of our CO₂ footprint, to a value of 4t CO₂/t aluminium or lower.”
Link to the group’s first sustainability report
About apt
The apt Group is one of the leading companies in the European aluminium industry. It manufactures, processes and sells aluminium profiles and products for the construction, transport, automotive and industry sectors. With its four production sites, the group is divided into the divisions apt Extrusions and apt Products. It covers the entire value chain – from development, recycling, extrusion, fabrication, surface finishing (anodising and powder coating) to assembly and logistics. With around 1,000 employees, the group generates revenues of about 250 million euros.

apt sustainability report