Unternehmensgebäude Außenansicht


apt Group companies


apt Group companies


apt Group companies

The apt Group companies

International locations


Modernes Unternehmens Gebäude grau

apt Holding GmbH

Rheinpromenade 11
40789 Monheim am Rhein (DE)

T +49 2173 / 297 02 10


The Group’s head office is apt Holding GmbH in Monheim am Rhein. It controls and plans the strategy of its subsidiaries. With central functions in the fields of finance, IT, business development and HR, we support our companies in the execution of the predefined strategy in a subject-specific manner and evolve our Group of companies.

apt Extrusions

Unternehmen Außenansicht

apt Extrusions GmbH & Co. KG

Daimlerstr. 10
40789 Monheim am Rhein (DE)

T +49 2173 / 962 0
F +49 2173 / 962 359


We manufacture extruded aluminium profiles for numerous sector applications on a production area of over 44,000 m². Here, the semi-machined profiles are also further processed or given a finish according to the customer’s needs. The production location in Monheim is home to one of the largest anodisation facilities in Europe.

Unternehmen Außenansicht mit Grünfläche

apt Extrusions B.V.

Industrieweg 8
6045 JG Roermond (NL)

T +31 475 / 370 555
F +31 475 / 370 670


On a production area of 21,500 m², we manufacture extruded aluminium profiles in a semi-machined and also surface-coated form, which we can then also process further. An anodisation facility is directly attached.

apt Products

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apt Products GmbH

Orchideenstraße 2
90542 Eckental (DE)

T +49 9126 / 906 0
F +49 9126 / 906 213


With the most modern automated technology and a state-of-the-art machine park, we process aluminium profiles and sheet metal to create ambitious and complex products. On just under 10,000 m² of production area, we also operate a powder-coating system. Our engineering team develops product solutions for our customers and are there to assist them from co-engineering right up to industrial in-house production of the product.

Lagerhalle von außen

apt Products s.r.o.

Průmyslový park 33/22
35002 Cheb – Dolní Dvory (CZ)

T +420 354 / 408 411
F +420 354 / 408 421


On around 9,000 m², we process aluminium sheet metal and profiles to create ambitious and complex products. With our own engineering team, we develop product solutions for our customers and are there to assist them from co-engineering right up to the industrial in-house production of the product.

Expertise in specialized markets